Saturday, March 07, 2009

My New Pot Rack

My mom and step-dad have a pot rack in their kitchen that he built himself. I loved it so much, I asked him to make me one too. I've always wanted a pot rack and thought it would be perfect for my new kitchen. I even bought my first really nice set of pans in anticipation of being able to display them. I want to add to the pan set. There aren't nearly enough saucepans. But, this is a good start. Before now, my pans were a mismatched set that I collected over the years. I feel like a "grown-up" now!

After we hung this up and got the pans on, I felt like it was a real kitchen for the first time since we moved in 8 years ago. "E" said that it felt like home now. LOL Took long enough huh? Who knew all it would take is a couple of coats of fresh paint and a pot rack??

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I only have pans that have been given to me by others, and am afraid to buy a "real" & "grown up" set of pans for fear of ruining them. What I have is a couple of cast-offs from when my uncle was in medical school and then moved out of country, a couple I got at the thrift store, and one my sister got for Christmas but didn't want. I wouldn't DREAM of putting them up on a rack, but your rack looks amazing :)
